Probate Administration Services Near Horseshoe Bay, TX
- Currently we are planning Wine and Will events in neighborhoods around the Lake Travis area. What is a Wine and Wills event? Its where we answer your Estate Planning, Business, and Probate questions in a relaxed setting with a glass of wine. Contact our office if you would like more information or if you would like to host an event!
- October 23rd is Paralegal Day!! Thank you to our wonderful and talented paralegals Meagan, Allison and Sarah!

Additional Business Tax Planning Resources
5 Ways Small Business Owners Can Reduce Their Liability
Does Your Home-based Business Qualify for the Home Office Deduction?
What You Need to Know about Paying Yourself as a Single-Member LLC
How Business Owners Can Avoid Deadlocks in Decision Making
What is the Difference Between an LLC and an LLP?
Know the Benefits and Risks of Forming an LLC.
Does Your Home-based Business Qualify for the Home Office Deduction?
Asset Protection for Entrepreneurs
More About Business Formation and Tax Planning
Additional Estate Planning Resources
Are Handwritten Changes to a Will a Good Idea?
What is Filial Responsibility?
Naming a Guardian for Your Child
How do I include Disability in my Estate Plan?
Should I deed my property to my child while I am alive?
How Long Do I Have to Withdraw Funds From An Inherited IRA?
How Do I Leave My IRA to My Special Needs Child or Grandchild?
What Changes May be Coming to Estate Taxes in Texas?
More about Estate Planning and our additional practice areas